
Easy Banana Face Scrub

Easy Banana Face Scrub

  • 1 banana,  sliced
  • 1/2 cup plain rolled oats, pulsed in blender
  • 2 tablespoons  honey
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 5 drops skin-safe fragrance oil (optional)

Slice the banana into pieces and  mix together with oats, mushing the bananas as you go. Add in honey, vanilla extract and fragrance oil and stir gently until just mixed.

Apply directly to your face, rubbing in gentle circular motions. Leave on skin for about 3 minutes and then  rinse ! It exfoliates and moisturizes all at the same time !

Notes: The face scrub should be kept in a jar or even a zip lock bag in the fridge between uses and will last for up to two weeks. You can even freeze it if you want to make larger batches!
Credit: This recipe was kindly shared with us by Courtney from Soap Up. Soap Up Etsy Shop

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