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This page last updated: 03/25/25

1,001 Kisses MSDS

4 Leaf Clover MSDS

7 Up Pound Cake MSDS

A Babys Magic MSDS

Absinthe MSDS

Agave Lime MSDS

Alkmar MSDS

Almond MSDS

Almond Cookie MSDS

Aloe Vera and Cucumber MSDS

Aloha Pineapple MSDS

Alpine MSDS

Amaretto MSDS 

Amber MSDS

American Creme MSDS

Angels Delite MSDS

Apple Butter MSDS

Apple Jack Peel MSDS

Apple Mango Tango MSDS

Apple Pear Duet MSDS

Aqua Di Gio Mens MSDS

Aromatherapy Relaxation MSDS

Autumn Afternoon MSDS

Autumn Sunsets MSDS

Autumns Wreath MSDS

Avo Bath Boost MSDS

Baby Powder MSDS

Bahama Fizz Type MSDS

Baked Apple Pie MSDS

Baked Pie Crust MSDS

Banana Nut Bread MSDS

Banana Split MSDS

Bathos Lush Type MSDS

Bayberry MSDS

Bay Rum MSDS


Bedtime Baths MSDS


Bergamot MSDS

Berry Bewitching Brew MSDS

Birthday Cake MSDS

Bite Me MSDS

Black Cherry Merlot Type MSDS 

Black Codes MSDS

Black Ice Type MSDS

Black Magic MSDS

Black Pepper Bergamot Type MSDS

Black Raspberry and Vanilla MSDS

Black Tie Affair MSDS 

Blood Orange MSDS 

Blueberry MSDS 

Blue Hawaiian MSDS

Blue Raspberry MSDS 

Blue Spruce MSDS 

Bobbi Beach MSDS 

Bombshell Type MSDS

Bourbon Tobacco MSDS

Breath Of God Lush Type MSDS 

Brown Sugar MSDS 

Bubble Gum MSDS

Buttercreme Mint MSDS  

Butt Naked MSDS 

Butter Pecan MSDS

Cactus and Sea Salt MSDS 

Calacazz MSDS

Candy Cane MSDS

Cannabis Flower MSDS

Captain Crunch Berries MSDS

Caramel Apple MSDS

Caramel MSDS

Caramel Popcorn MSDS

Carnation MSDS

Cedar MSDS

Celebration MSDS

Central Park Pralines Scentsy Type MSDS

Cherry Almond MSDS 

Cherry Lemonade Type MSDS

Cherry Lifesavers Type MSDS

Cherry Slushie MSDS

Cherry Tobacco MSDS

Chillin' Cherry MSDS

Chocolate Kissed MSDS

Christmas Cupcake MSDS

Christmas Wishes MSDS 

Cinnamon Buns MSDS

Cinnamon Sugar MSDS

Clean Cotton MSDS

Cocobolo Wood MSDS

Coconut MSDS

Coconut Beach MSDS

Coconut Lime and Verbena MSDS

Coco Puffs Type MSDS

Coffee Bean Ice Cream MSDS


Comforter MSDS

Cookies and Cream Type MSDS

Cool Clear Waters MSDS

Cotton Candy MSDS

Country Hayride MSDS

Cracklin' Birch MSDS

Cranberry Mango Scentsy Type MSDS

Cranberry Woodz MSDS

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend MSDS

Cream Soda MSDS

Cucumber and Melon MSDS

Dark Pearl MSDS

Day Spa MSDS

Dead Sexxy MSDS

Decay MSDS

Devils Nightcap Lush Type MSDS

Dill Pickle MSDS

Dirty Lush Type MSDS

Dragons Blood MSDS

Drakkar Noir Type MSDS

Egyptian Musk MSDS

Exhaling MSDS

Feverish MSDS

Fifty Shades Of Naughty MSDS

Fig and Olive MSDS

Fireplace MSDS

Floating Island Paradise MSDS

Fluffy Candy MSDS

Flying Phox MSDS

Frankincense and Myrrh MSDS

French Baguette MSDS

French Vanilla MSDS

Fresh Cut Grass MSDS

Fresh Cut Roses MSDS

Fresh Laundry MSDS

Fresh Squeezed Oranges MSDS

Frosted Lime Cupcake MSDS

Frozen Lush Type MSDS

Fruit Loops MSDS

Fruity Pebbles Type MSDS

Gain Type MSDS

Gardenia MSDS

Gasoline MSDS

Ghost Musk MSDS

Grape Bubble Gum MSDS

Grape Jelly MSDS

Green Apple Jolly Rancher Type MSDS

Green Irish MSDS

Heather MSDS

Holiday Twinkle MSDS

Honey MSDS

Honey I Washed Those Kids MSDS

Honey Vanilla Love Dust MSDS

Honeysuckle MSDS

Hot Buttered Popcorn MSDS

Hot Cocoa MSDS

Hyacinth MSDS

Ice Blue Lush Type MSDS

Iced Wine Lush Type MSDS

Indian Sandalwood MSDS

Instant Karma MSDS

Irish Cream MSDS

It's A Jungle Out There MSDS

Ivory Clean MSDS

Jack Frost MSDS

Jamaican Me Crazy MSDS

Japanese Cherry Blossom MSDS

Keeping It Fluffy MSDS

Kerbside Violet Lush Type MSDS

Lady Katrina MSDS

Lavender MSDS

Lavender and Coconut Milk MSDS

Lavender Chamomile Milk MSDS

Leather MSDS

Lemon MSDS

Lemon Lime Soda MSDS

Lemonade MSDS

Let 'em Eat Cake MSDS

Library MSDS

Lick Me All Over MSDS

Light Blu Womens Type MSDS

Lily Of The Valley MSDS

Little Black Dress MSDS

Lollipops MSDS

Lord Of Misruling MSDS

Love Spellz MSDS

Lust Lush Type MSDS

Mahogany and Teakwood MSDS

Mandarin Oranges MSDS

Maraschino Cherry MSDS

Marshmallow MSDS

Marshmallow Fireside Type MSD

Marshmallow Peepers MSDS

Merry Berry Christmas Type MSDS

Mexican Fried Ice Cream MSDS

Mochadoodlez MSDS

Monkey Farts MSDS

Motor Oil MSDS

Mrs. Claus Cookies MSDS

Peanut Butter MSDS

Peanut Butter Cookies MSDS

Peony MSDS

Peppermint MSDS

Perfect Pine MSDS

Pina Colada MSDS 

Pink Chiffon Type MSDS 

Pink Lemonade MSDS 

Pink Raspberry MSDS 

Pink Sugarz MSDS 

Pipe Tobacco MSDS

Pumpkin Apple MSDS

Pumpkin Buttercream MSDS

Pumpkin Hollow MSDS 

Pumpkin Pecan Waffles Type MSDS 

Pumpkin Roll MSDS   

Pure Porridge MSDS   

Rain Kissed Leaves MSDS  

Raspberry Peppermint Ice Cream MSDS  

Rhubarb MSDS

Rock Candy MSDS  

Rock Starr MSDS

Root Beer MSDS

Rose Jammin' MSDS

Rustic Barn MSDS

Salt Water Taffy MSDS

Salty Mariner MSDS

Secret Wonderland MSDS

Serendipity MSDS

Snow Day Type MSDS 

Snow Fairies MSDS 

Sugar Cookie MSDS     

Sugar Waffle Cone MSDS 

Sultan MSDS

Summer Scoop Type MSDS 

Tinsel MSDS

Tramp Stamp MSDS 

Trichomaniac MSDS 

Twilight Showers MSDS

Vanilla Bean MSDS

Vanilla Bean Warm Noel MSDS

Vanilla Tobacco MSDS

Velvet Sugarz MSDS

Whipped Cream MSDS

White Birch and Vanilla BBW Type MSDS

White Chestnut Spice MSDS

White Peach and Hibiscus MSDS

White Tea and Ginger MSDS

Wicked MSDS

Winter Bath and Bodyworks (BBW) Type MSDS

Wintery Candy Apple MSDS

Wisteria MSDS



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